Memulai Sebuah Blog

Ditulis Oleh nyebrut, Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Rekan – rekan semua , nama saya Aga member baru di Asian Brain, saya baru menginjak 2 bulan keanggotaan saya di Asian brain.

Saya ingin berbagi pengalaman dengan rekan – rekan mudah mudahan ada faedahnya, dan juga sebaliknya saya dapat memperoleh feedback informasi dari rekan2.

Pertama. saya bergabung dengan Asian Brain saya iseng2 bikin blog di dengan nama seingatnya yang ada dalam pikiran saya.

Kedua.Setelah selesai membuat blog yang ala kadarnya .saya menambahkan aksesories blog dengan bergabung di situs , disana ada shoutbox,web counter, URL referrer, link manager, subcription.

Ketiga. RSS (RDF Site Summary) mencoba dengan http://feedburner

Keempat , mencoba memasarkan blog dengan

Kelima . menggunakan Technorati, yang digunakan untuk mencari jutaan blog di internet berdasarkan topik.

Kelima. Melakukan submitting ke dalam search engine Google dengan menggunakan

Keenam. Buat alamat email anda di yaitu di

Setelah itu saya daftar ke adsense untuk bisa login ……… nanti akan dapat notifikasi dari Google adsense … dan rekan rekan dapat login ….

Dan Saya lega Tahap Awal telah di lalui ….. Dan saya harus memikirkan tahap slanjutnya. Dengan mengikuti arahan dari dari ahira dan semua tutor yang mendukung .

Demikian pengalaman yang saya dapat sampaikan . untuk rekan2 . semua .. saya sangat bertrima kasih jika teman dapat berbagi pengalaman dengan saya..karna dengan berbagi pengalaman kita akan lebih bisa mengembangkan pemahaman tentang internet marketing.. dan untuk bu ahira dan semua rekan rekan di asian brain.. saya mengucapakan trima kasih atas segala perhatiannya….

Sukses S’lalu ASIAN BRAIN…dan semua Rekan-rekan yang ,semoga berhasil. !!!!



Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

Nah akhirnya ketemu juga materi yang selanjutnya weheh

melanjutkan postingan yang sebelumnya

Ok kali ini saya ingin membahas bagaimana cara mengganti tampilan toko online kita, selain mengganti tampilan kita juga bisa mengganti bahasa dan juga mata uangnya agar sesuai dengan penjualan di indonesia itu kalau temen temen internet marketing indonesia pada mau jualan ke negara tercinta ini tetapi jika ingin jualan ke manca negara ya seperti ini perubahan bahasa ini tidak perlu di lakukan,
Ok langsung saja materi bagai manca cara mengganti template os commerce
Silahkan download template di sini kebetulan ada yang gratis ( tapi Cuma dikit ) weheh lha manaya juga gratis
Silahkan download dan di extrak ( file ini di kompres menggunakan zip. Setelah selesai di extrak anda bisa lihat struktur template ini silahkan lihat di bawah ini

struktir file template oscomerce

File di atas berada dalam folder “catalog” dan yang perlu di garis bawahi, untuk mengganti template ini tidak seperti mengganti template wordpress atau blog lainnya, penggantian template oscomerce ini di lakukan sekali langsung jadi untuk satu template, jadi jika temen temen punya 10 template ya pastinya akan melakukan perubahasa sebanyak 10 kali. Selain melakukan perubahan tempate hanya sekali, untuk melakukan upload template ini juga tidak bileh sembaranga dan jangan melakukan upload sekali gus “kalau upload sekaligus saya jamin toko online anda eror ;)) “
Yang perlu anda upload cukup
1. Semua file dengan extensi .php dari nama file “account.php” sampai dengan “tell_a_friend.php”
Silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini untuk lebih jelas

struktur2 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

upload1 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

2. setelah anda upload file file yang saya sebutkan, sekarang anda upload folder “images”

3. Sekarang masuk ke folder “includes” di dalam folder ini ada file yang tidak boleh untuk di upload file itu adalah “configure.php” database_tables.php” dan semua file di dalam folder “includes” silahkan di upload silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini yang tidak di perkenankan untuk di upload

struktur3 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

upload-2-tinggalkan Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )
Yang perlu anda upload cukup 3 Folder yang saya sebutkan selebihnya anda bisa cuekin saja ;))
Ok jika sudah anda lakukan dengan benar sekarang anda bisa cek toko online anda pasti sudah berubah wujud. ini buktinya

Ok setelah anda sukses mengganti template sekarang anda harus bisa mengganti bahasa menjadi bahasa indonesia
Silahkan download plugin di link berikut
Setelah anda download anda bisa extrak file downloadtan anda, dalam folder ini ada folder yang manaya “catalog” nah di dalam folder catalog ini ada 2 folder lagi, nah kita sekarang harus kerjakan di 2 folder, 1. Folder “admin” 2 folder “includes” nah kita uploadnya juga ndak boleh bareng karena kalau bareng pasti eror lagi weheh silahkan lihat gambar berikut untuk info lengkapnya

bahasa-struktur1 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

silahkan anda upload satu persatu, misalnya anda ingin melakukan upload untuk folder “includes” silahkan anda masuk ke folder “includes” setelah anda masuk maka anda akan menemukan 1 folder “indonesia” dan 1 file indonesia.pgp ok jika sudah anda bisa lakukan upload berikut gambarnya

upload3-bahasa Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

sampai di sini paham kan ? nah silahkan upload juga untuk folder “admin” prosesnya sama

sika anda sudah selesai upload tugas anda belum selesai karena masih ada 1 folder yang anda harus ganti lagi ya itu folder “buttons” Yang berada di “includes/languages/indonesia/images” silahkan anda ganti dengan folder “buttons” dari template yang anda upload anda bisa mencarainya di “includes/languages/english/images”

ok jika anda sudah melakukan upload dan telah melakukan cara yang benar sekarng langkah selanjutnya anda masuk ke admin area sekarng di dalam halaman admin anda bisa gantikan sesuai berikut

bahasa1 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

Silahkan pilih Localitation lalu languages, nah di sana defaultnya cuma ada 2 dan sekarang anda bisa menambahkan bahasa baru ya itu bahasa indonesia, silahkan klik new language lalu akan keluar halaman berikut

bahasa2 Membuat Toko Online ( bag 2 )

ok isikan sesuai dangan gambar di atas ” jika anda memasukan folder yang tadi sudah saya berikan petunjuknya benar anda cukup mengiskan isian sesuai dengan yang saya tulisakan di sana, ok jika sudah anda bisa klik Insert

ok jika ingin mengganti mana uang anda bisa ke menu ‘Currencies

Ok deh sepertinya sampai di sini dulu yah saudah jam setengah 4 pagi neh hehe udah nguantuk tak tidur dulu :D besok di lanjut lagi, mudah mudahan postingan ini bermanfaaat untuk semua

kalau temen temen pgn cepet bisa jangan cuma di baca tapi harus di praktikkan okeh tar kalau dah jadi jangan lupa PM saya biar aku bisa lihat hasil karyamu okeh …..

Hosting Murah

Jika temen temen mau copas artikel ini ke blog sampean silahkan saya ndak melarang tapi saya di beri 1 link yah ke blog dengan anchor text internet marketing indonesia

Table Of Contents

Networking Concepts

WAN Technologies


ISDN Components

Frame Relay


CHAP and PAP Authentication

CHAP Authentication

PAP Authentication

Access Lists

Dialer Interfaces and Dialer Profiles

Dialer Interfaces and Dialer Maps

Dialer Pools

Network Address Translation

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Virtual LANs

VLAN Issues

LAN Segmentation


Broadcast Control


Network Management

Communicating Between VLANs

VLAN Translation

Designing Switched VLANs

Networking Concepts

This appendix describes concepts that can help you in designing your network and in configuring your router in accordance with the examples in this guide.

This appendix contains the following sections:

WAN Technologies

CHAP and PAP Authentication

Access Lists

Dialer Interfaces and Dialer Profiles

Network Address Translation

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Virtual LANs

WAN Technologies

This section describes some of the WAN connection types that can be used with Cisco 1700 series routers, such as ISDN, Frame Relay, and X.25.


ISDN is a set of digital services that is available through your local telephone company. ISDN digitizes information that is sent over the telephone network so that voice, data, text, graphics, music, video, and other material can be sent over existing telephone wire.

ISDN Components

ISDN components include terminals, terminal adapters (TAs), network termination devices, line-termination equipment, and exchange-termination equipment.

ISDN Terminals

There are two type of ISDN terminals:

Terminal equipment type 1 (TE1) is designed specifically to work with ISDN. TE1s connect to the ISDN network with 4-wire, twisted-pair cable.

Terminal equipment type 2 (TE2) is non-ISDN equipment (such as data terminal equipment [DTE]) that predates ISDN standards. TE2s connect to the ISDN network with a terminal adapter.

ISDN Network Termination Devices

Two types of ISDN terminal devices can connect your router to the telephone company's conventional 2-wire local loop:

Network termination type 1 (NT1)—In North America, the NT1 is provided by the customer. In most other parts of the world, the NT1 is part of the network provided by the ISDN service provider. WAN interface cards that do not have an integrated NT1 must have an external NT1 in order to connect to ISDN services. The Cisco 1604 and ISDN BRI U WAN interface cards each have an integrated NT1.

Network termination type 2 (NT2)—This more complicated device is usually found in digital private branch exchanges (PBXs).

There is also an NT1/2 device available that can perform the functions of both an NT1 and an NT2.


There are two types of ISDN services:

Basic Rate Interface (BRI)—This service provides two B channels and one D channel. Each B channel operates at 64 kbps and carries user data. The D channel operates at 16 kbps and carries control and signaling information, although in certain circumstances it carries user data. BRI supports framing control and overhead, and the total bit rate is 192 kbps.

Primary Rate Interface (PRI)—This service provides 23 B channels (which operate at 64 kbps) and 1 D channel (which operates at 64 kbps) in North America and Japan, resulting in a bit rate of 1.544 Mbps. In Europe, Australia, and other parts of the world, PRI provides 30 B channels, 1 D channel, and 1 maintenance/error channel. Each channel is 64 Kbps, for a total bit rate of 2.048 Mbps.

Sample Configuration

Figure 0-1 shows an example of ISDN configuration for various devices used to connect the user to the ISDN network.

Two of the devices shown, the computer and the ISDN telephone, are compatible with ISDN. The third device, the standard telephone, requires a TA to connect to the ISDN network through an NT1 or NT2 device.

Figure 0-1 Sample ISDN Network

Frame Relay

Frame Relay is a method of packet-switching that is used for communication between user devices (such as routers, bridges, and host machines) and network devices (such as switching nodes and modems). User devices are called data terminal equipment (DTE), and network devices are called data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE).

Frame Relay services can be provided by either a public network or a network of privately owned equipment serving a single enterprise.

Frame Relay is a streamlined, efficient, high-performance protocol. It is extremely fast because

It multiplexes many logical data conversations (or virtual circuits) over one physical link. Multiplexing provides flexible and efficient use of bandwidth.

It uses fiber media/digital transmission links. These types of physical connections have a high level of data integrity, so Frame Relay does not need to perform error checking. Error checking is time-consuming and can decrease WAN performance.

It does not need to perform flow control procedures because these types of procedures are done by upper-layer protocols. Frame Relay uses a simple congestion notification mechanism to inform user devices when the network become congested. Congestion notification alerts the higher-layer protocols that flow control is needed.

Current Frame Relay standards support permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) that are configured and managed in a Frame Relay network. The Cisco 1700 router supports switched virtual circuits (SVCs) for DTE interfaces.

Frame Relay also has Local Management Interface (LMI) extensions for supporting large, complex internetworks. Any LMI extension known as common should be implemented in internetworks that support the LMI specification. Other LMI extensions are known as optional.

The LMI extensions are as follows:

Virtual circuit status messages (common)—Provide communication and synchronization between the network and the user device, periodically report the addition of new PVCs and the deletion of existing PVCs, and provide information about PVC integrity.

Multicasting (optional)—Allows a sender to transmit a single frame to multiple recipients, supporting the efficient routing of protocol messages and address resolution procedures that typically must be sent to many destinations simultaneously.

Global addressing (optional)—Gives connection identifiers global rather than local significance, allowing them to be used to identify a specific interface to the Frame Relay network. Global addressing makes the Frame Relay network resemble a LAN, with respect to addressing.


X.25 is a method of packet switching that is used for communication between user devices (such as routers, bridges, and host machines) and network devices (such as switching nodes and modems). User devices are called data terminal equipment (DTE), and network devices are called data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE).

With X.25, one computer calls another to request a communication session. The called computer can accept or refuse the connection. If the call is accepted, the two computers begin full-duplex information transfer. Either computer can terminate the connection at any time.

User devices communicate with a bidirectional association called a virtual circuit. Devices on a network use virtual circuits to communicate through intermediate nodes without being directly, physically connected to each other. Virtual circuits are permanent or switched (temporary). PVCs are typically used for the most-often-used data transfers, and SVCs are used for sporadic data transfers.

BRI is an ISDN interface consisting of two B channels (B1 and B2) and one D channel. The B channels are used to transfer data, voice, and video. The D channel carries signal and call setup information. IPX, AppleTalk, transparent bridging, Xerox Network Systems (XNS), DECnet, and IP can all be encapsulated as X.25 over the ISDN B channels.

ISDN uses the D channel to carry signal information. ISDN can also use the D channel in a BRI to carry X.25 packets. The D channel has a capacity of 16 kbps; the X.25 over D channel can use up to 9.6 kbps.

You can set the parameters of the X.25-over-D-channel interface without disrupting the original ISDN interface configuration. In a normal ISDN BRI interface, the D and B channels are bundled together and represented as a single interface. The original BRI interface continues to represent the D, B1, and B2 channels.

Because some end-user equipment uses static terminal endpoint identifiers (TEIs) to access this feature, X.25 supports static TEIs. The dialer recognizes the X.25-over-D-channel calls and initiates them on a new interface.

X.25 traffic over the D channel can be used as a primary interface when low-volume, sporadic interactive traffic is the normal mode of operation. Supported traffic includes IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and transparent bridging.

CHAP and PAP Authentication

In configuring your router, you must select a method of authentication. Authentication is used for security and for identifying who is calling in so that the called router can correctly forward packets to the correct interface. This is generally required when dialer rotary groups are used and multiple sites are calling into a single router.

The configuration examples in this guide use Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) with Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) for security and authentication. CHAP and PAP, when used with PPP encapsulation, allow routers to authenticate incoming calls.

CHAP Authentication

With CHAP, a remote device attempting to connect to the local router is requested, or challenged, to respond. When the local router receives the challenge response, it verifies the response by looking up the name of the remote device given in the response. The passwords must be identical on the remote device and the local router. The names and passwords are configured using the username command.

In the following example, Router Macbeth allows Router Macduff to call in using the password "bubble":

hostname Macbeth
username Macduff password bubble
encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication chap

In the following example, Router Macduff allows Router Macbeth to call in using the password "bubble":

hostname Macduff
username Macbeth password bubble
encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication chap

PAP Authentication

Like CHAP, PAP is an authentication protocol used with PPP. However, PAP is less secure. CHAP passes an encrypted version of the password on the physical link, but PAP passes the password and host name or username in clear text.

When interactive mode (rather than dedicated mode) is used on asynchronous lines, the username command allows a router to verify a username in an internal database before the user can call in to the router. In the following example, user Joe Smith is allowed to call in to the router if he uses the password "freedom":

username JoeSmith password freedom
line 1

Access Lists

Access lists control packet filtering on Cisco routers by limiting traffic and restricting network use by certain users or devices. Although there are several purposes for using access lists, the configuration examples in this guide use access lists to control the transmission of packets on a specific interface.

An access list is a sequential collection of "permit" and "deny" conditions that apply to network addresses. Packet addresses are compared to the conditions in all access lists configured in the router. The first match determines whether the packet is accepted or denied by the router. Because the router stops testing conditions after the first match, the order in which the conditions are defined in the access list is critical. If a packet does not match any conditions configured in an access list, the router rejects the packet.

For detailed information on how access lists work and how to configure them, refer to the "Configuring IP Services" chapter in the Network Protocols Configuration Guide, Part 1, publication, which is available on the Documentation CD-ROM that came with your router.

Dialer Interfaces and Dialer Profiles

A dialer interface is a WAN interface on the router that is not continuously connected to a remote device; it dials the remote device whenever a connection is required. Configuring an interface on a Cisco router to dial a specific remote device at specific times requires configuring dialer profiles.

You can use dialer profiles to configure the router's physical interfaces separately from the logical configuration required for a call. You can also configure the router to allow the logical and physical configurations to be dynamically bound together on a per-call basis. All calls going to or from the same destination subnetwork use the same dialer profile.

A dialer profile consists of the following elements:

A dialer interface (a logical entity) configuration with one or more dial strings, each used to reach a specific destination subnetwork.

A dialer map class defining all the characteristics for any call to the specified dial string (telephone number).

An dialer pool of physical interfaces to be used by the dialer interface. The physical interfaces in a dialer pool are ordered according to priority.

Dialer Interfaces and Dialer Maps

A dialer interface configuration is a group of settings the routers uses to connect to a remote network. One dialer interface can use multiple dial strings (telephone numbers). Each dial string is associated with its own dialer map class. The dialer map class defines all the characteristics for any call to the specified dial string. For example, the dialer map class for one destination might specify a 56-kbps ISDN speed, and the map class for a different destination might specify a 64-kbps ISDN speed.

Dialer Pools

Each dialer interface uses one group of physical interfaces, called a dialer pool. The physical interfaces in a dialer pool are ordered based on priority. One physical interface can belong to multiple dialer pools. ISDN BRI interfaces can set a limit on the minimum and maximum number of B channels reserved by any dialer pool. A channel reserved by a dialer pool remains idle until traffic is directed to the pool.

When you use dialer profiles to configure dial-on-demand routing (DDR), the physical interface is configured only for encapsulation and for the dialer pools to which the interface belongs. All other characteristics used for making calls are defined in the dialer map.

Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation (NAT) provides a mechanism for a privately addressed network to access registered networks, such as the Internet, without requiring a registered subnet address. This mechanism eliminates the need for host renumbering and allows the same IP address range to be used in multiple intranets.

NAT is configured on the router at the border of an inside network (a network that uses nonregistered IP addresses) and an outside network (a network that uses a globally unique IP address; in this case, the Internet). NAT translates the inside local addresses (the nonregistered IP addresses assigned to hosts on the inside network) into globally unique IP addresses before sending packets to the outside network.

With NAT, the inside network continues to use its existing private or obsolete addresses. These addresses are converted into legal addresses before packets are forwarded onto the outside network. The translation function is compatible with standard routing; the feature is required only on the router connecting the inside network to the outside domain.

Translations can be static or dynamic. A static address translation establishes a one-to-one mapping between the inside network and the outside domain. Dynamic address translations are defined by describing the local addresses to be translated and the pool of addresses from which to allocate outside addresses. Allocation occurs in numerical order, and multiple pools of contiguous address blocks can be defined.

NAT eliminates the need to readdress all hosts that require external access, saving time and money. It also conserves addresses through application port-level multiplexing. With NAT, internal hosts can share a single registered IP address for all external communications. In this type of configuration, relatively few external addresses are required to support many internal hosts, thus conserving IP addresses.

Because the addressing scheme on the inside network may conflict with registered addresses already assigned within the Internet, NAT can support a separate address pool for overlapping networks and translate the addresses as appropriate.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client-server protocol that enables devices on an IP network (the DHCP clients) to request configuration information from a DHCP server. DHCP allocates network addresses from a central pool on an as-needed basis. DHCP is useful for assigning IP addresses to hosts connected to the network temporarily or for sharing a limited pool of IP addresses among a group of hosts that do not need permanent IP addresses.

DHCP frees you from having to manually assign an IP address to each client.

DHCP configures the router to forward User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcasts, including IP address requests, from DHCP clients. DHCP allows for increased automation and fewer network administration problems by

Eliminating the need for the manual configuration of individual computers, printers, and shared file systems

Preventing the simultaneous use of the same IP address by two clients

Allowing configuration from a central site

Virtual LANs

A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a switched network that is logically segmented on an organizational basis, by functions, project teams, or applications, rather than on a physical or geographical basis. For example, all workstations and servers used by a particular workgroup team can be connected to the same VLAN, regardless of their physical connections to the network or the fact that they might be intermingled with other workgroup teams. Reconfiguration of the network can be done by means of software rather than by physically unplugging and moving devices or wires.

A VLAN can be thought of as a broadcast domain that exists within a defined set of switches. A VLAN consists of a number of end systems, either hosts or network equipment (such as bridges and routers), connected by a single bridging domain. The bridging domain is supported on various pieces of network equipment; for example, LAN switches that operate bridging protocols between them, with a separate bridge group for each VLAN.

VLAN Issues

VLANs are created to provide the segmentation services traditionally provided by routers in LAN configurations. VLANs address scalability, security, and network management. Routers in VLAN topologies provide broadcast filtering, security, address summarization, and traffic flow management. None of the switches within the defined group will bridge any frames, not even broadcast frames, between two VLANs. Several key issues need to be considered in designing and building switched LAN internetworks:

LAN Segmentation


Broadcast Control


Network Management

LAN Segmentation

VLANs allow logical network topologies to overlay the physical switched infrastructure in such a way that any arbitrary collection of LAN ports can be combined into an autonomous user group or community of interest. The technology logically segments the network into separate Layer 2 broadcast domains whereby packets are switched between ports designated to be within the same VLAN. By restricting traffic originating on a particular LAN only to other LANs in the same VLAN, switched virtual networks avoid wasting bandwidth, a drawback inherent to traditional bridged and switched networks in which packets are often forwarded to LANs with no need for them. Implementation of VLANs also improves scalability, particularly in LAN environments that support broadcast- or multicast-intensive protocols and applications that flood packets throughout the network.


VLANs also improve security by isolating groups. High-security users can be grouped into a VLAN, possibly on the same physical segment, and no users outside that VLAN can communicate with them.

Broadcast Control

Just as switches isolate collision domains for attached hosts and forward only appropriate traffic out a particular port, VLANs provide complete isolation between VLANs. A VLAN is a bridging domain and all broadcast and multicast traffic is contained within it.


The logical grouping of users allows an accounting group to make intensive use of a networked accounting system assigned to a VLAN that contains just that accounting group and its servers. That group's work will not affect other users. The VLAN configuration improves general network performance by not slowing down other users sharing the network.

Network Management

The logical grouping of users allows easier network management. It is not necessary to pull cables to move a user from one network to another. Additions, moves, and changes are achieved by configuring a port into the appropriate VLAN.

Communicating Between VLANs

The Cisco 1700 series routers uses the IEEE 802.1Q protocol for routing between VLANs.

The IEEE 802.1Q protocol is used to interconnect multiple switches and routers and for defining VLAN topologies. IEEE 802.1Q support is currently available only for Fast Ethernet interfaces.

Procedures for configuring routing between VLANs with IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation are provided in Chapter 4, "Configuring Routing Among VLANs with IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation."

VLAN Translation

VLAN translation refers to the ability of the Cisco IOS software to translate between different virtual LANs or between VLAN and non-VLAN encapsulating interfaces at Layer 2. Translation is typically used for selective inter-VLAN switching of non-routable protocols and for extending a single VLAN topology across hybrid switching environments. Translation also allows the bridging of VLANs on the main interface; the VLAN encapsulating header is preserved. Topology changes in one VLAN domain do not affect a different VLAN.

Designing Switched VLANs

By the time you are ready to configure routing between VLANs, you will already have defined them through the switches in your network. Issues related to network design and VLAN definition should be addressed during your network design. Refer to the Cisco Internetworking Design Guide and appropriate switch documentation for information on these topics:

Sharing resources among VLANs

Load balancing

Redundant links


Segmenting networks with VLANs

Segmenting the network into broadcast groups improves network security. Use router access lists based on station addresses, application types, and protocol types.

Routers and their role in switched networks

In switched networks, routers perform broadcast management, route processing and distribution, and provide communications among VLANs. Routers provide VLAN access to shared resources and connection to other parts of the network that are either logically segmented by means of the more traditional subnet approach or that require access to remote sites across wide-area links.

Networking Concepts for the Cisco 1700 Router

Table Of Contents

Miscellaneous Features

Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Configuration Example

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuration Example

Miscellaneous Features

This chapter presents basic configuration procedures for miscellaneous features of the Cisco 1700 series routers. It contains the following sections:

Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to enable hosts (DHCP clients) on an IP network to obtain their configurations from a server (DHCP server). This reduces the work of administering an IP network. The most significant configuration option that the client receives from the server is its IP address.

Perform the following tasks to configure DHCP. Begin in global configuration mode.


Step 1

ip dhcp excluded-address low-ip-address high-ip-address

Prevent DHCP from assigning one or more IP addresses to potential clients.

Step 2

ip dhcp pool name

Enter DHCP configuration mode, and create a pool of IP addresses that can be assigned to DHCP clients.

Step 3

network address subnet-mask

Specify a range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the DHCP clients.

Step 4

default-router ip-address

Specify the default router.

Step 5

domain-name domain name

Specify the domain name.

Step 6

dns-server ip-address

Specify the DNS server.

Step 7

netbios-name-server ip-address

Specify the NetBIOS name server.

Step 8

netbios-node-type node-type

Specify the NetBIOS node type.

Step 9

lease days
lease infinite

Specify the duration of the lease.

Configuration Example

In the following example, three DHCP address pools are created: one in network, one in subnetwork, and one in subnetwork Attributes from network, such as the domain name, Domain Name System (DNS) server, NetBIOS name server, and NetBIOS node type, are inherited in subnetworks and In each pool, clients are granted 30-day leases and all addresses in each subnetwork, except the excluded addresses, are available to the DHCP server for assigning to clients.

ip dhcp database ftp://user:password@
write-delay 120
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool 0
 network /16
 netbios-node-type h-node
ip dhcp pool 1
 network /24
 lease 30
ip dhcp pool 2
 network /24
 lease 30

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation (NAT) translates IP addresses within private "internal" networks to "legal" IP addresses for transport over public "external" networks (such as the Internet). Incoming traffic is translated back for delivery within the inside network. Thus, NAT allows an organization with unregistered "private" addresses to connect to the Internet by translating those addresses into globally registered IP addresses.

Interfaces are configured as "NAT inside" or "NAT outside." Once the interfaces are configured, the following steps can be performed to establish the NAT configuration within the router.


Step 1

ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}

Create a pool of global IP addresses for NAT.

Step 2

access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]

Define a standard access list permitting addresses that need translation.

Step 3

ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name [overload]

Enable dynamic translation of addresses permitted by access list. Overload allows the use of one global address, from the pool, for many local addresses.

Step 4

ip nat outside source static global-ip local-ip

Enable static translation of a specified outside source address. This command is optional.

Configuration Example

In this example, we want NAT to allow certain devices on the inside to originate communication with devices on the outside by translating their internal addresses to valid outside addresses or a pool of addresses. The pool in this example is defined as the range of addresses from through

In order to accomplish this translation, we need to use dynamic NAT. With dynamic NAT, the translation table in the router is initially empty. The table is populated as traffic that needs to be translated passes through the router (in contrast with static NAT, in which a translation is statically configured and is placed in the translation table without the need for any traffic).

In this example, we can configure NAT to translate each inside device address to a unique valid outside address, or to translate each inside device address to the same valid outside address. The second method is known as overloading. An example of how to configure each method is given here.

To begin, configure the inside interface with an IP address and as a "NAT inside" interface.

interface inside interface
  ip address
  ip nat inside

Then configure the outside interface with an IP address and as a "NAT outside" interface.

interface outside interface
  ip address
  ip nat outside

To handle the case in which each inside address is translated to its own unique outside address, define a NAT pool named "no-overload" with a range of addresses from to

ip nat pool no-overload prefix 24

Define access list 7 to permit packets with source addresses ranging from through and from through

access-list 7 permit
access-list 7 permit

Then indicate that any packet received on the inside interface, as permitted by access list 7, will have its source address translated to an address from the NAT pool "no-overload."

ip nat inside source list 7 pool no-overload

Alternatively, when all inside addresses are translated to a single outside address, define a NAT pool named "ovrld," which has a range of a single IP address:

ip nat pool ovrld prefix 24

Then indicate that any packet received on the inside interface, as permitted by access list 7, will have its source address translated to the address from the NAT pool "ovrld." Translations will be overloaded, which will allow multiple inside devices to be translated to the same outside IP address.

ip nat inside source list 7 pool ovrld overload

The keyword overload used in this command allows NAT to translate multiple inside devices to the single address in the pool.

Another variation of this command is

ip nat inside source list 7 interface outside interface overload

which configures NAT to overload on the address that is assigned to the outside interface.

    About Me

    Dasar Pemikiran “Dan hendaklah diantara kamu ada segolongan yang menyeru kepada kebajikan, menyuruh berbuat yang ma’ruf, dan mencegah dari yang munkar. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung.” (QS. Ali Imran : 104) “Kamu (umat Islam) adalah umat terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, (karena kamu) menyuruh (berbuat) yang ma’ruf, dan menegah dari yang munkar. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung.” (QS. Ali Imran : 110) “Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat berkata, “mengapa kamu menasihati kaum yang Allah akan membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka dengan azab yang amat keras?” mereka menjawab, “Agar kami mempunyai alasan (pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Rabb-mu, dan suapya mereka bertakwa.” (QS. Al A’raf : 164)
